Our Travel Risk Assessment is a comprehensive full-range analysis of security risks affecting both your organization and its travelers.
What's At Stake?
Travel Risk Management is a process that helps an organization reduce its legal and fiduciary responsibility to employees traveling on company business. Companies today are focusing on and managing traveler security and duty of care more closely as a matter of good business practices. Not doing so has proven problematic as travel programs grow in reach and therefore risk.
GoldSpring Consulting is highly dedicated and authoritative when it comes to evaluating, measuring, and providing travel risk mitigation solutions for organizations of all sizes.
We Do
GoldSpring consultants will work with you and your organization to devise and implement a dedicated risk management strategy that corresponds to your organization’s operations, locations, and risk tolerance objectives to best protect your business and your employees.
We Do It
Thorough reviews and assessments of current policies and procedures, bumped up against best practices and latest in market to make the right recommendations.
Blueprint Building
Design and writing of your travel policy statement and procedures, the basis for your travel risk management program.
Risk Advisory Selection
Selection and supervision of travel risk advisory services -- organizations that provide differing levels of services with a variety of cost structures.
Ensuring all supplier contracts, including airline, rail, ground transportation, car, and hotel meet your duty of care requirements.
Design and product pre-travel checklists; targeted for both domestic and international travel.
Advise on using best-in-class technology to support people tracking, reporting and communication tools.
Assist with RFP process with travel risk management (TRM) organizations.
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