A broad range of experience, skills, and knowledge is required to design, build, and operate a Strategic Meetings Management Program (SMMP). GoldSpring's meeting experts can assist you in developing your strategy, designing the necessary components (such as policies, processes, and procurement), and configuring the technology platform for optimal program delivery.
Here are a few focus areas:
Assist with business case development in order to sell the program to executive leadership. Once sold internally, we can help you select your meetings management agency and technology, and work with the selected providers to customize their solutions to meet your SMMP needs.
Help define the short, mid and long-term strategy in order to optimize your program and keep your internal stakeholders and supporting suppliers fully aligned to your program goals,objectives and supporting the ROI metrics.
Provide meetings policy assessment and development -- not all travel policies cover meetings and events activities.
Provide comprehensive change management and communication strategies, templates, and expertise to proactively manage potential resistance based on our experience with a number of global program implementations.
Construct strategies to mitigate SMMP challenges by involving key meeting owner stakeholders in design decisions in order to give them a sense of buy-in, and prevent the emergence of resistance to change during the implementation phase. We also recommend a similar SMMP launch strategy for your existing suppliers to get them fully aligned to your program goals and objectives.
If you have an existing SMMP, we can assist you with establishing a baseline of your program using the GBTA SMM Maturity Index, and coordinate the recommended steps to take to advance the maturity of your SMMP with your suppliers.
Lastly, we provide a number of ad-hoc engagements, program and policy gap analysis, current hotel addendum benchmarking against best practices, developing a standardized hotel addendum template, and thirteen different savings methodologies to reduce demand and spend.
A commitment to launch an enterprise or Global SMMP is a major initiative; work with us to ensure your success in this unique area of emerging category spend.